Login for those without U of A Username

Limited Services Access

If you do not have a University of Arkansas login, or are a volunteer with the iFriend program, you can access the Limited Services area by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to http://isslink.uark.edu
  2. Click on “Limited Services” link in the “Students/Scholars without a UARK login and All Volunteers” area (see below):

ISSLink log in page that highlights the limited services link toward the bottom of the page

The above screenshot shows a link on the right side of the webpage entitled "Limited Services" within a box entitled "Students/Scholars without a UARK login and All Volunteers," and this is used to access an area in issLink for students and scholars without a U-A-R-K login and for iFriends and other volunteers.


If you need any further assistance, please call us at (479) 575-5003. Thank you!