On-Campus Employment

J-1 on-campus employment is defined as employment that occurs on the premises of the University of Arkansas or for which you receive a University of Arkansas paycheck. With permission of the J-1 program sponsor, students in J-1 status may work up to 20 hours per week (each week) when school is in session and full-time during holiday and vacation periods (if specifically authorized for full time). If the University of Arkansas is your J-1 program sponsor (i.e. if the University of Arkansas issued your DS-2019 form), you must seek permission to work from ISS before beginning work.  This may be done by submitting a request for on-campus employment at ISSLink. This reporting will be sent to SEVIS and you will be issued an authorization letter which will serve as your permission to work. If you have an outside sponsor (such as Fulbright/IIE), you will need to contact that sponsor for permission.