International Students & Scholars (ISS)
104 Holcombe Hall
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Tel: 1-479-575-5003
Fax: 1-479-575-7084
About E-Forms in ISSLink
issLink: Using electronic forms
ISSLink has various electronic forms, or e-forms, that help you perform various
functions such as applying for Curricular Practical Training, or Optional Practical
Training. Most of these e-forms are located in the left tabbed menu.
You do not have to submit all of these forms. Many are provided and will be used at various times for various reasons. One of our foreign student advisors, or an academic advisor, may ask you to fill out one of, or a group of, some of these e-forms.
You do not have to submit all of these forms. Many are provided and will be used at various times for various reasons. One of our foreign student advisors, or an academic advisor, may ask you to fill out one of, or a group of, some of these e-forms.