International Students & Scholars (ISS)
104 Holcombe Hall
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Tel: 1-479-575-5003
Fax: 1-479-575-7084
About E-Forms in ISSLink
issLink: Using eShipGlobal
Use the eShipGlobal service.
When you first use this web page, you will be given a confirmation box to click on stating "I understnd I am leaving I S S Link to access an external site." and then submit before the webpage will then access the eShipGlobal website:
If, however, you have already accessed the eShipGlobal website from this link, you are then presented with this page below.
Just click on "Access eShipGlobal to Generate Shipping Label," or click the button "Access eShipGlobal," and this will take you to the eShipGlobal website.